In 2017, a music unit that began with such a word by Patch “I have too much free time, so want to paint it black”. When the band was formed, Patch spoke to Shin-kun (Dr) and Iwaken (Ba), who had previously played the band. TKG (Gt) participated after introduced by a novelist Suzumo Sakurai. Resonating with “I want to paint it black”, a band consisting of four people begins.
In 2018, new songs were announced one after another at a rate of one song per month. Develop energetic production activities. Their activities was attracted attention by the movie critic and event organizer Manabu Soma, and in October 2018, performed a first live at the club event “Starman ’s Child Vol.1” organized by Manabu Soma at Kichijoji Ichibee. Live video will flow around the world via social media, and will be highly evaluated overseas. Focus on music production in 2019. Released “Dive Into It” in October 2019. In November, a live performance was performed at “Starman ’s Child Vol.2”
Simple, tight drums, strong hard basses, solid and coyness guitars, rude and vicious vocals. There are many exchanges with overseas artists, and global expansion is expected.
Singer : Patch (Twitter : @papapapapatch)
Guitarist : TKG (Twitter : @stillonfire)
Bassist : Iwaken
Drummer : Shin-kun
2018年には1ヶ月に1曲ペースで新曲を次々と発表。精力的な制作活動を展開する。映画ライターでイベントオーガナイザーでもあるソウママナブの目に留まり、2018年10月に吉祥寺伊千兵衛で開催されたソウママナブ主催のクラブイベント「Starman’s Child Vol.1」にてファーストライブを行う。ライブ映像はSNSを介し世界中に流れ、海外でも高い評価を得ることになる。2019年は音楽制作に注力。2019年10月に「Dive Into It」をリリース。11月にはレコ発イベントを兼ねて「Starman’s Child Vol.2」にてライブを実施。
Singer:パッチ (Twitter:@papapapapatch)
Guitarist:TKG (Twitter:@stillonfire)